Is Esports Betting Legal: 3 Relevant gambling laws discussed

Is Esports Betting Legal in Malaysia? Know truth with 3 gambling laws discussed and play safe with preventive measures + 3 legal betting sites: M88, W88 & 1XBET

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Wagering on esports is popular worldwide but the question of whether is esports betting legal in Malaysia comes to picture. In this article, we will explore all about the legal issues in esports betting online – from the important gambling laws in esports and the esports legal websites with official license to operate, which are M88, W88, and 1XBET. So, read to the very end as this is esports betting legal article covers it all!

Is Esports Betting legal online in Malaysia?

Let us first dive into the point directly and discuss is esports betting legal online or not in Malaysia. It is important to understand that esports betting takes place in sportsbooks that are provided by betting websites online. These sportsbooks are sometimes provided to the site by distributors or these can sometimes be the website’s owned sportsbooks. Regardless, the one most important thing they must have is the license to operate.

is esports betting legal online in malaysia revealed by experts

Furthermore, this license to operate must be from a foreign country that allows the operation of them legally, and also must be updated as needed. That being said, in countries like Malaysia, there are important gambling laws that prohibits certain forms of gambling both offline and online. So, when it comes to question is esports betting legal, then the answer is neither yes nor no. Read more to explore these laws and also get introduces to the top 3 Esports legal sportsbook websites that is W88 Sportsbook, M88 Sportsbook, and 1XBET sportsbook websites.

Know the 3 Important gambling laws in Malaysia

Let us now discuss the most important legal issues in esports betting and that is the gambling laws in Malaysia. The 3 gambling laws in Malaysia must always be considered since they are very important because if not adhered to, then serious action can be taken against the people. Moreover, understanding these laws can help you limit yourself from indulging in gambling activities in unhealthy ways.

is esports betting legal learn truth from experts

1. The Common Gaming House Act of 1953

First on the list is the Common Gaming House Act of the year 1953 which was last amended in the year 2006. This gambling law in Malaysia bans all forms of gambling and gaming houses, including any use of electronic devices. There is a penalty to this law as any member caught under this act has to pay a fine of up to RM200,000 along with a jail-time penalty of 5 years.

2. The Betting Act of 1953

In the same year of 1953, another act was passed, the Betting Act of 1953. Unlike the laws that prohibit gambling here, this law allows only two forms of gambling which are horse betting and lottery betting. Besides these, this law allows the operation of the only physical casino, which is also a tourist attraction, in Malaysia that is the Sky Casino in Genting Highlands.

3. The Shariah Law

For the third law, there is the Shariah Law which applies to also the Muslim citizens of Malaysia which makes up most of its population. The Shariah Law is a religious and ethical law that prohibits gambling along with alcohol, adultery, and blasphemy. Moreover, if any Muslim is found near Genting Highlands’ Sky Casino or is found disobeying this law, then they will get a 2-year jail time along with a fine of up to RM3,000.

5 Preventive measures to play safe esports betting

In the next section of this legal issues in Esports article, let us look into the 5 preventive measures that you can use as Tips and Tricks to play safe esports legal betting online. That being said, it is best to acknowledge that the Malaysian laws are still applicable in the country, so if you decide to play online betting games with real money online, then you must do so at your own risk.

is esports betting legal online learn truth from experts

  1. Look for legal betting license: The first thing you must do is look for legal licenses that allows the website you select to operate online legally. These must be provided from foreign official authorities and must be available on the main website with links accessible to the members.
  2. Check expiration dates on licenses: Furthermore, you should check the expiration date on the licenses as these licenses are bound to expire. This is because some betting sites use expired licenses to still operate their business online, making it a harmful environment to the players.
  3. Talk to customer service of the site: Another helpful way to play safe is to contact the customers services of the website and notice how they deal with queries. Moreover, it is important to talk to a live human agent and also check all their communication services.
  4. Learn more about sportsbook providers: Another important thing is the sportsbook providers and their legality. Sometimes the betting site will operate with their only owned sportsbook whereas sometimes they will have their own sportsbook along with others, so looking for legality of these bookies is important as well.
  5. Surf through relevant online forums: Lastly, it is best to understand what other customers experienced from being members of the website, and the best way to do this is by surfing through forums of the websites that provide you with feedbacks and reviews you can consider for questions like is esports betting legal online or not.

Top 3 websites in Malaysia with legal licenses

In this section, let us look into the top 3 Esports legal website in Malaysia that own legal licenses to spread their products and services worldwide. These 3 websites have managed to grow a huge community on the internet, and are also considered to be some of the safest websites for beginners and pros alike. They are M88, W88, and 1XBET, and all of these websites allow members to play online with Malaysian Ringgit.

is esports betting legal in malaysia revealed by experts

  1. M88: The first Esports legal website is M88 which is one of the best websites with amazing gaming products. M88 Mansion is known for having one of the best licenses to operate which is an Interactive Gaming License provided by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development from the Republic of Vanuatu.
  2. W88: The next website comes with a huge welcome bonus of up to RM1,088 on sportsbook products which is W88. W88 owns a BMM Compliance and Gaming Laboratories International certification for operating online making this a good website for Esports legal betting.
  3. 1XBET: Lastly, we have 1XBET which comes with its only owned sportsbook the 1XBET sportsbook wherein you can enjoy esports betting online. 1XBET owns a Curacao Egaming License that allows it to operate worldwide and also owns a physical base in the Cyprus islands.


The answer to Is Esports Betting Legal is in a very grey area because there are gambling laws that prohibit the members of Malaysia to play these games, yet many websites allow members to gambling in Malaysian Ringgits on games online. Moreover, among these websites there are a selective few that have a good reputation for being esports legal sites. So, when it comes to the legal issues in esports betting online, we recommend doing what is the best for yourself as a player online, and with this we bid adieu!

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