10 Memes on Rejection Most People Tend to Go Through

People say the only way out is through, in terms of arduous experiences and difficult journeys. There will always be a downside to things and the best way to deal with it is by toughing it out and to keep moving forward. But, this begs the question, to what extent? Finding a new job, finding the right boyfriend or girlfriend, landing a spot in the right college are all challenges people normally go through in this lifetime. Sometimes, rejection can take a toll on you and hold you back from your goals. You can be a child, a working professional, a married folk or a retired folk, rejection will always be there to serve its purpose and make you tougher as a person. Chin up, buttercup!

The Reality of Rejections Explained in 10 Memes

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When the first rejection email arrives in your inbox…

When that dream school sends you a small envelope, you know what it means…

Swiping left on Tinder….

When you tell your best friend you like her but she doesn’t feel the same way….

When your texting game is weak….

1 week worth of rejection emails

When your three-page resume is not enough to get you hired…

Waking up unemployed with no more will power to look for a new job….

Putting yourself out there for the nth time….

When you’re not even surprised anymore….

Just Keep Swimming

Getting rejected is one of the most frustrating experiences people go through when they’re young. Getting turned down by your dream school, not getting the job offer you expected, or ending up in the friend zone… the list goes on. There’s so much that hinders us from getting us what we want and the amount of work we put in sometimes isn’t enough for other people. This doesn’t mean that we’re not good enough though, it just means it’s just not meant to be. The way we handle rejection dictates a lot about our work ethic and our attitude, which in fairness, takes time to master. Keep braving the storm and just keep swimming, what’s meant for you will come.

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