Decimal betting Odds explained: Know benefits + 3 bonus tips

Get detailed understanding of Decimal Betting Odds explained with W88 examples. Know the difference between high & low decimal odds, bet guide + 3 bonus tricks!

Decimal Odds Betting  W88 Sportsbook  Sports Bonus RM1,088

One of the first things you will notice in sportsbooks is the betting odds under each and every betting option for different sports, and the most common betting odds are written in decimal numbers. But what are these decimal betting odds and how do they work? How do these decimal odds determine payouts and why are they more beneficial? To learn everything about it, read our simple understanding of decimal betting odds explained with real-match examples from the W88 Asia site.

Understanding Decimal Betting Odds in Sportsbooks

Diving right into it, let us look into what the decimal betting odds explained in simple terms. Decimal odds is one of the popular ways of letting people know which team is more likely to win the match. Moreover, the betting decimal odds are easier to read than others and it helps us make accurate betting decisions whenever we play sportsbook betting no matter which match under any sport.

understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide and tricksTo add this, betting decimal odds also helps us determine the payout you will be receiving in the sportsbook using the formula:


So, when your betting stake is multiplied by betting odds you will get the results of how much you will earn if your bet wins. To know which odds to wager on to win with more accuracy almost every time, read on as we further explain the difference between high and low odds with 3 bonus tricks to win!

]What are the benefits and drawbacks of betting Decimal odds?

For understanding decimal odds in a much better way with the examples below, let us first look at decimal betting odds explained with reference to its benefits and drawbacks. Understanding decimal odds also means knowing the answers to why this is the most popularly used betting odds in sportsbooks from other kinds of betting odds. Visit our simple guide on How Odds Work in Sports Betting to learn about various kinds of betting odds found in sportsbooks online.

understanding decimal betting odds explained with benefits and drawbacks

1. Most commonly used in popular sportsbook worldwide1. Like all odds, decimal odds can change based on real-match outcomes
2. Easy to use for beginners to begin wagering2. Wagering on Early decimal odds may not be beneficial
3. Payouts are calculated more accurately and easily
4. Easier to understand which team is more likely to win
5. Simple risk calculation can be done with decimal odds

Decimal Betting Odds explained with examples from W88 sportsbook

With the above Decimal Betting Odds explained you probably have gained an insight of what these betting decimal odds do in sportsbooks, which is to determine the payout based on the stakes and odds if the bet wins, and to let bettors know which team is more likely to win. Let us now look at some decimal odds explained with examples from the W88 Sportsbook.

Example 1:Example 2:Example 3: 
understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide and example 1understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide and example 2understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide and example 3
Here, West Ham is given the odds of 2.40. This means that your betting stake will be multiplied by 2.40 to show you the payout rate if your bet on West Ham wins.X which stands for Tie bet has the betting decimal odds of 3.68. This means that your betting stake will be multiplied by 3.68 to show you the payout rate if your bet on X wins.Lastly, Bournemouth has the betting decimal odds of 2.75, and this means that 2.75 will be multiplied by your betting stake to show you the payout return rates if your bet wins

The example used here is from the football 1X2 betting option that comes with 3 sub-bets Team 1 win, X or Draw, and Team 2 win. So, if you are betting RM10 on any one of these sub-betting options, 10 will be multiplied by the respective odds of the selected sub-betting option to determine the payout returns if the bet wins. The higher the odds the more payout, and the lower the odds the fewer payouts, and to know the difference between higher and lower odds read on!

Here you will also see that there are high and low odds given under each sub-betting option and to for understanding decimal odds that are high and low, read on. But for now, in this decimal betting odds explained section, all you must remember is that depending on the betting option you select, your betting stake is multiplied by that respective betting odds to determine the payout returns if your bet wins. To select the betting odds from these that are most likely to win, read our betting Tips and Tricks for beginners.

Convert any odds to betting Decimal odds in just 2 simple steps!

In this section of this Decimal odds explained article, let us look into how to use decimal odds or how to switch two decimal betting odds explained with a simple tutorial guide from the W88 sportsbook. The W88 sportsbook is beneficial to many as here you can select your preferred sportsbook and also wager on your preferred type of odds. Moreover, you can also claim a first deposit new member bonus of up to RM1,088 on sportsbook products.

Step 1: Log in at W88 and select your preferred sportsbook

  • The first thing you must do is log into your W88 account by clicking on the ‘Join‘ button on the top right corner of the homepage.
  • If you do not own a W88 account, then create one in the W88 register in under 2 minutes by clicking on the ‘Join‘ button.

understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide step 1

  • Once done, click or hover your must over the ‘Sports‘ product on the homepage’s menubar and this will show you the available sportsbooks on the W88 platform.
  • From these, click on your preferred W88 Sportsbook and move on to the next step of this Decimal odds explained tutorial.

Step 2: Set the odds to Decimal and begin betting on matches

  • When you find yourself on the homepage of the sportsbook, you must filter the sportsbook by clicking on the ‘Odds‘ option on the top right corner of your screen.
  • This will give you a drop box menu where you must select ‘Decimal‘ to get all decimal odds in the W88 sportsbook for betting.

understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide step 2

  • Then click on your preferred odds from under your preferred sports and betting option, and this will open a betting slip on the left side of the side where you must enter the betting stake.
  • Based on the betting odds and betting stake, the payout returns will be shown to you which you must calculate manually as well using the formula of decimal odds explained above, and if you are satisfied with the payouts, click on the ‘Place Bets‘ button to lock in your bets for the match.

High and low decimal odds explained with match-end examples

Using the same decimal odds explained match example above, let us now look into how the payout ratio is distributed based on the stakes. Here we will be applying the formula betting odds x betting stakes = total payouts which is used to determine the payout returns of decimal odds bets in the sportsbook.

Bet on West Ham @ 2.40Bet on X @ 3.68Bet on Bournemouth @ 2.75
understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide outcome 1understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide outcome 2understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide outcome 3
Betting odds: 2.40Betting odds: 3.68Betting odds: 2.75
Betting stake: RM10Betting stake: RM10Betting stake: RM10
2.40 x 10 = RM24.00 earned3.68 x 10 = RM36.80 earned2.75 x 10 = RM27.50 earned

Here, the simple formula for decimal odds betting explained above makes it easier to understand how much you will earn if your bet wins with regard to the amount you wager on the respective betting options. Additionally, you can also see the difference between odds that are high and odds that are low, and to know how it works read the high and low decimal betting explained below.

High Decimal betting odds explained: Higher odds are given to those options that are less likely to win as higher odds mean they have higher odds to defy. Since the risk is high, more payout is given to the bets that win by defying these higher odds.

Low Decimal betting odds explained: Lower odds are given to those options that are more likely to win as lower odds mean they have lower odds to defy. Since the risk is also low here, less payout is given to the bets that win by defying these lower odds.

3 Betting Decimal Odds tips to win with more accuracy

Understanding decimal odds explained with examples is extremely simple, however, winning these may be difficult especially if you do not use the tips associated with decimal betting odds. So, below mentioned are the three most helpful betting decimal odds tips that you must use as a beginner when learning how to bet on decimal odds in popular sportsbooks under any match!

understanding decimal betting odds explained with betting guide and tips to win

  1. Refer to the statistical data charts in the Sportsbook: In the sportsbooks, you will come across many statistical data charts under almost every match. This must be made use of as odds are basically derived from here. Looking at these, especially for live matches where odds change based on real events, is extremely beneficial, especially for new members.
  2. Bet on the betting option with lower odds more: Lower odds clearly can bag you wins in smaller amounts as they come with fewer odds to defy. So, be sure to wager on the betting options with lower odds most of the time because winning something is always better than winning nothing in return.
  3. Do not tie bets in a Parley setting for higher odds: Parley betting is famous among pros where they tie many bets into a single bet to gain higher wins. But remember, that higher earnings mean that the odds are high as well since stakes are multiplied by odds resulting in higher payouts. So, parley betting is best avoided if you want to win big by placing smaller, individual bets.


This was all about the Decimal Betting Odds Explained with simple examples, a betting guide, and three bonus tips to use when playing sportsbook betting. With this, we conclude the article and hope understanding decimal odds explained above was easy for you. That being said, join W88 today to claim the extravagant W88 promotion of up to RM1,088 on sportsbook products to wager on the best decimal odds under popular sports matches today!

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