8 Memes that Illustrate a Typical Surfer Behavior

Finding a new sport to dive into can be tricky because not everyone is good at being flexible and adapting to new sports. Surfing is a water sport7that has become a force of nature for beach babies and water sport enthusiasts. The whole leisure activity and sport in itself are challenging and takes so much practice before becoming even just able to manage a wave. Below are a few memes of how new surfers are usually like, as well as pro-surfers are on a summer day beach wave.

8 Relatable Surfing Memes

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The beginners who just want to look cute for an Instagram post

The pro surfers who failed to show bone properly

Those who just want to say they tried surfing

The one friend who couldn’t stop talking about Bali’s waves during summer vacation

The real deal

The one friend who you dragged to surfing and just hated it

The sibling you had to drag to the beach but weren’t allowed to do anything

Bringing your whole family along into a surf trip…

Shaka, Bro!

The surfing-bug is real and once you’ve caught it, it’s pretty hard to escape. Weekend beach trips become a new part of your routine and hanging out with a community of water babies on the daily. It’s a great community to be a part of and also a form of leisure and even sport that people rely on to help keep themselves feeling alive and well. However, more often than not, those new to surfing tend to romanticize the activity and instead miss the point of the whole thing itself. So the next time you come across a surfing newbie, show a little more compassion, as well as equal grit.

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