One of the most celebrated and beloved fantasy shows in television recently released the first episode of their final season. The phenomenon that is Game of Thrones has set a whole new bar for the fantasy genre and HBO has not disappointed its fans after eight long seasons. According to Variety, the show broke TV ratings and recorded 10.1 million viewers in the premiere of season 7 in it exclusive HBO Go and HBO Now, and a whopping 16.1 million total viewers across all viewership mediums.
Indeed, Game of Thrones is one entertainment masterpiece that has created an impact on a whole new generation and will continue to influence the way television is made in years to come. The show has mastered the prime of storytelling, intense action, and plot twists, and character development at its finest, with Game of Thrones nearing its series finale, here are a few memes that have been taken from the show’s episodic impact.
Top 12 Game of Thrones Memes
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Where Melisandre’s best-kept secrets are found…
Joffrey’s wrath on the first day back at work
Lyanna Mormont would’ve changed the whole plotline of Game of Thrones
Cersei Lannister’s iconic walk of the show turned into an American comedy
Danaerys is a mood we all have when grocery shopping
Tyrion Lannister’s come a long way since his pimp life
When Arya Stark held the secret to avoiding “fuccbois”
Life of an employee presented by Sam Tarly
George R. R. Martin’s power over Game of Thrones fans is the ultimate superpower
When the Red Wedding just turns out to be unpredictable even after watching it 5 times
The voice that strikes wisdom and fear at the same time
Making incest cool again featuring Cersei Lannister
One Last Hurrah
Game of Thrones is finally in its last season after eight years of success in the small screen, fans will have to say goodbye to the show and “binge-watch” all eight seasons once it ends. Finding another great show will never be the same because no hype is worth it the way HBO delivers Game of Thrones every Monday night. Time to get going if you want to find a new show to obsess over, cheers!
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